
If you have landed on this page, you may be curious as to who Kylie Swift is, what her company Virtue Property Grafton represents and ultimately, why I would engage this business to sell my home.

These are the most common questions considered when researching agents and we respect your time as valuable.

After close to 2 decades in the industry as an Award Winning Nationally Recognised Sales Professional, Director, Sales Manager, Trainer and later an Industry Coach, our Principal Kylie Swift (previously Kylie Pearson) decided to personalise her approach to real estate.

Virtue Property Grafton is a specialist property sales agency that ensures every significant step of your real estate journey is handled by the principal. Inexperience is not an option when it comes time for your greatest asset to realise its price potential.

We are backed by a large team of administrative support however your marketing, your buyer enquiry, your inspections and ultimately your negotiation is handled with the experience of several hundred property sales.

We are not interested in turning over large volumes of properties – our interest is in your financial return first and foremost. We genuinely believe we sell for more and are always happy to demonstrate how.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Contact Kylie